Sweet & Fresh Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad is one of my very favorite tea party dishes to serve... The colors are bright and cheerful. The flavors are sweet and pungent... It is just the best!


Foundation Fruits:
2 sweet oranges, peeled, seeded, and cut into bite-sized chunks
1/3 cup mild honey, preferably orange blossom, or sugar
2 green eating apples, cored and cut into medium dice
1 large pear, cored and cut into bite-sized chunks
1 large banana, sliced thinly

Seasonal Fruits:
Kiwis, peeled, cut lengthwise in half, and sliced
Strawberries, hulled and quartered lengthwise
Whole raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries
Pitted sweet cherries
Melon or melon balls
Peaches, nectarines, apricots, or plums, pitted and sliced
Seedless red grapes, stemmed

Directions - Fruit Salad Recipe:

Add the Foundation Fruits to a large mixing bowl in the order given above. Stir gently every once in a while. The citrus juices and honey keep salad's fruits from darkening.

Add 3 or 4 Seasonal Fruits, about 8 ounces each to the salad. Choose from the above Seasonal list.

Try to vary the fruit sizes to make your presentation more interesting. This salad will keep for several days in the refrigerator, or you can serve it within a few hours of assembly.

Recipe yields 10 - 12 servings of fruit salad.